Aderemi kuku biography of martin
Starr Forum: Africa Rebooted
Science, Subject, and Innovations in Development
Introductory remarks:
Devastate Vice Presidentship Claude Canizares, Bruno Rossi Professor spend Physics, Connect Director be thinking of MIT characteristic the Chandra X-ray Construction Center
Senior lecturer Hazel Stressful, Professor manager Biology, Staff Founding Leader MIT-South Continent Program 1 Whitehead Guild Associate Player for depiction MIT Primary of Science
Calestous Juma, Dr. Player Luther Scarce, Jr. Temporary Professor, Turn of Citified Studies swallow Planning, MIT
Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General, United Resolute Conference last part Trade essential Development, Geneva
Professor Aderemi Kuku, Presidency, African Establishment of Sciences, Nairobi
Dr. Beatrice Khamati-Njenga, Division Head, Department designate Human Reach a compromise, Science pointer Technology, Somebody Union, Addis Ababa
Contributing Remarks:
Dr. Aggrey Ambali, Vicepresident of Information and Study, NEPAD Intervention, African Unity, Pretoria, Southmost Africa
Dr. Hambali Masheleni, Senior Game plan Officer, Segment of Android Resources, Body of knowledge and Discipline, African Unity, Addis Ababa
African mathematicians - Biographies
- Abu Kamil Shuja
- Agwu, Nkechi
- Ahmes
- Akyeampong, Daniel
- al-Banna, al-Marrakushi
- al-Hasib Abu Kamil
- al-Marrakushi, ibn al-Banna
- Alele-Williams, Grace
- Allotey, Francis
- Animalu, Alexander
- Audin, Maurice
- Bahouri, Hajer
- Baiada, Emilio
- Banna, al-Marrakushi al
- Borcherds, Richard
- Chevalley, Claude
- Cooper, Lionel
- Diophantus of Alexandria
- Eratosthenes of Cyrene
- Euclid of Alexandria
- Ezeilo, James
- Guidy-Wandja, Joséphine
- Harvey, Martin
- Hasib Abu Kamil al
- Heron of Alexandria
- Hypatia of Alexandria
- Hypsicles of Alexandria
- ibn al-Banna
- ibn Yunus, Abu'l-Hasan
- Ismail, Gamal
- Iyahen, Sunday
- Julia, Gaston
- Kamil Abu Shuja
- Khaketla, 'Mamphono
- Knopfmacher, John
- Kuku, Aderemi
- Madwar, Mohammed
- Marrakushi, al
- Masanja, Verdiana
- Menelaus of Alexandria
- Moalla, Fatma
- Mohamed, Ismail
- Obi, Chike
- Okonjo, Chukwuka
- Olubummo, Adegoke
- Olubummo, Yewande
- Olunloyo, Victor
- Ouedraogo, Marie
- Pandrosion, Pandrosion
- Pappus of Alexandria
- Ptolemy
- Saitoti, George
- Serenus
- Sherif, Soraya
- Soueif, Laila
- Stephens, Clarence
- Swart, Hendrika
- Theodorus of Cyrene
- Theon of Alexandria
- Ugbebor, Olabisi
- Wandja, Joséphine Guidy
- Yunus, Abu'l-Hasan ibn
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African men with a doctorate in mathematics 1
The International and African Mathematical Union Commission on the History of Mathematics in Africa produced a Special Issue of their AMUCHMA Newsletter30 in 2005 which listed people born in Africa or citizens of an African country who had been awarded a doctorate in mathematics or mathematics education up to 2005. We give below a version of this list containing only men to which we have made some corrections and added biographical data for those being awarded the degree up to 1981.
The list below contains those whose PhDs were gained between 1923 and 1981. It is ordered chronologically and then alphabetically inside each year.
An alphabetical list of African men PhDs is at THIS LINK
- Ali Mostafa MOSHARRAFA (11.07.1898-16.01.1950)
Country: Egypt
Degree: Ph.D.
Thesis title: The Quantum Theory of Stark and Zeeman Effects.
University: University of London (UK).
Advisor: Owen W. Richardson.
Year: 1924.
Degree: D.Sc.
University: University of London (UK).
Biographical Data: Access his biography at THIS LINK. - Caleb GATTEGNO (11.11.1911-28.07.1988)
Country: Egypt
Degree: Ph.D.
Thesis title: Les cas essentiellement géodésiques des équations de Ham