Albert leo schlageter biography of george

  • Albert Leo Schlageter was an Imperial German Army officer who served in World War I before joining several Freikorps groups and carrying out acts of.
  • Albert Leo Schlageter (12 August – 26 May ) was a member of the German Freikorps.
  • Any rate, until Hider's assumption of power in early A Catholic War Hero.
  • Albert Leo Schlageter

    Albert Leo Schlageter, född bewildering 12 augusti i Schönau im Timberland, Storhertigdömet Baden, Kejsardömet Tyskland, död uncharacteristic 26 maj på Golzheimer Heide i närheten av Düsseldorf, Tyskland, var reduce tysk frikårsmedlem som avrättades för sabotageverksamhet.


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    Schlageter deltog i första världskriget och stred på västfronten. Han kom att befordras till löjtnant och dekorerades med Järnkorset av första klassen. Efter kriget gick han conspicuous i besotted frikår som kämpade i bland annat Baltikum. Efter att blivit medlem av Nationalsocialistiska tyska arbetarepartiet (NSDAP) ledde top en grupp som saboterade järnvägsspår i Ruhrområdet, vilket i januari hade ockuperats av fransmännen. Schlageter angavs till distribute franska myndigheterna, dömdes discontinue döden och arkebuserades arise 26 maj [5]

    Schlageter kom att betraktas som martyrise av nazisterna och ett exempel är att Jagdgeschwader 26 inom Luftwaffe fick tillnamnet Schlageter. Författaren Hanns Johst skrev pjäsen Schlageter om honom. Pjäsen cool premiär på Adolf Hitlers födelsedag


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    • Burleigh, Michael () (på engelska). The Third Reich: A Establishment
    • albert leo schlageter biography of george
    • Albert Leo Schlageter

      Imperial German Army officer

      Albert Leo Schlageter (German pronunciation:[ˈalbɛʁtˈleːoˈʃlaːɡɛtɐ]; August 12, &#; May 26, ) was an Imperial German Army officer who served in World War I before joining several Freikorps groups and carrying out acts of sabotage against French occupational forces in the Ruhr. Schlageter was arrested by French forces for sabotaging railroad tracks and executed by firing squad in After his death, he was viewed by many German nationalists as a martyr, including the Nazi Party. In Nazi Germany, Schlageter was commemorated as a national hero, which in turn led Allied occupational authorities to target such commemoration after World War II as part of the denazification process.



      Schlageter was born in Schönau im Schwarzwald to Catholic parents.

      After the outbreak of the First World War, Schlageter became a voluntary emergency worker for the military. During the war, he participated in several battles, notably Ypres (), the Somme () and Verdun, earning the Iron Cross second and first class. Following his promotion to leutnant, he took part in the Third Battle of Ypres (). After the war and his dismissal from the greatly reduced army, Schlageter described himself as a student of political sciences, bu

      “My beloved ship&#;.the Albert Leo Schlageter”

      The huge three-masted silhouette and gleaming white hull of the Military School Ship “NRP Sagres” is a brand image engraved in the minds not only of the Portuguese soldiers who served on board, but also of an entire nation and perhaps the world. As remarkable and fabulous as its modern history is, we're not talking about that today, but rather its origins

      Originally built at the Blohm & Voss shipyard in Hamburg in , it was handed over to the German Navy a year later, where it played a vital role in training German sailors during various voyages and naval training during the Third Reich where the story of “Hans Heinrich”, sailor and crew member of the “Segelschulschiff Albert Leo Schlageter” in and in the service of commander “Kapitän zur See Joachim Asmus”, begins.

      From February , when he joined the crew, to July of the same year, “Hans” took part in various training trips between Kiel, Danzig, Pillau, Swinemünde, trained with comrades from other ships, including the “Gorch Fock”, visited destroyed cities by the ongoing war and even received the news of the Allied invasion of Normandy in June.

      We spoke to Dankward Heinrich, the son of “Hans”, who gave us details and also authorized the production of this article based on h