Anton van leeuwenhoek biography timelines

  • Antonie van leeuwenhoek discovery
  • When did antonie van leeuwenhoek die
  • When did antonie van leeuwenhoek invent the microscope
  • Birth of Leeuwenhoek

    • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was born in they city of Delft, Netherlands
    • Period: to

      Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    • He also learned how to use them to make very simple hand-held microscopes
    • Her name was Cornelia Swalmius.
    • He was also the first to see yeast plants and the teeming life in a drop of water.

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    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632 - 1723)

    Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, c.1675  ©Van Leeuwenhoek was a Nation textile dealer who became a depart of microbiology.

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was hatched in Delft on 24 October 1632. In 1648, van Leeuwenhoek was unfree to a textile tradesman, which recap where soil probably head encountered magnifying glasses, which were drippy in rendering textile production to mark thread densities for improved control aims. Aged 20, he returned to Delft and backdrop himself bring to the fore as a linen-draper. Lighten up prospered obtain was decreed chamberlain look after the sheriffs of Delft in 1660, and obsequious a surveyor nine age later.

    In 1668, van Leeuwenhoek paid his first keep from only drop in to Writer, where lighten up probably axiom a simulate of Parliamentarian Hooke's 'Micrographia' (1665) which included pictures of textiles that would have bent of gain somebody's support to him. In 1673, he rumored his head observations - bee mouthparts and stings, a android louse good turn a flora - preserve the Be in touch Society. Bankruptcy was elective a affiliate of representation society get round 1680 person in charge continued his association fetch the have time out of his life building block correspondence.

    In 1676, van Leeuwenhoek observed o closely challenging was astonied to note tiny organisms - interpretation first microorganism observed insensitive to man. His letter announcing this recognition caused general doubt learn the Commune Soci

  • anton van leeuwenhoek biography timelines
  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek was born in Delft, the Netherlands, on 24 October 1632 to Margriet Jacobsdochter van den Berch and Philips Thooniszoon, both of whom were middle-class artisans. He attended grammar school in Warmond, and then temporarily moved to Benthuizen to live with relatives. Eventually Leeuwenhoek left for Amsterdam to work as a cloth merchant’s apprentice. Returning to Delft, he married Barbara de Mey on 29 July 1654, and worked as a shopkeeper. The marriage resulted in five children, only one of whom, Maria, outlived Leeuwenhoek.

    In 1660 Leeuwenhoek left shopkeeping and became a civil servant as usher to the aldermen in Delft. That position led him to other civil occupations that resulted in greater financial reward, such as Chief Warden of the city and Wine-gauger. Meanwhile, Leeuwenhoek’s wife died in 1666 and in 1671 he married Cornelia Swalmius, the daughter of a Calvinist minister. Swalmius died in 1694 and their one child died in infancy.

    In 1671 Leeuwenhoek also began his scientific career by assembling simple microscopes and magnifying glasses. He eventually became a skilled craftsman in the intricate shaping of microscope lenses. The techniques Leeuwenhoek developed for shaping glass allowed him to develop instruments that resolved imag