Artenstein vaccines a biography of abraham

  • Successful vaccines in history
  • Life before vaccines
  • History of inoculation
  • Abstract

    Immunity against respiratory pathogens is often short-term, and, consequently, there is an unmet need for the effective prevention of such infections. One such infectious disease is coronavirus disease 19 (COVID), which is caused by the novel Beta coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that emerged around the end of The World Health Organization declared the illness a pandemic on 11 March , and since then it has killed or sickened millions of people globally. The development of COVID systemic vaccines, which impressively led to a significant reduction in disease severity, hospitalization, and mortality, contained the pandemic’s expansion. However, these vaccines have not been able to stop the virus from spreading because of the restricted development of mucosal immunity. As a result, breakthrough infections have frequently occurred, and new strains of the virus have been emerging. Furthermore, SARS-CoV-2 will likely continue to circulate and, like the influenza virus, co-exist with humans. The upper respiratory tract and nasal cavity are the primary sites of SARS-CoV-2 infection and, thus, a mucosal/nasal vaccination to induce a mucosal response and stop the virus’ transmission is warranted. In this review, we present the status of the systemic vaccines, both the approved mucosal va

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    The development of vaccines: how the past led to the future

    It is said that only those who have seen the beginning of things can understand the present. As the development of vaccines continues in the twenty-first century, and as it is now over years since vaccinology was launched by Edward Jenner's observations of the powers of cowpox to prevent smallpox, it is useful to contemplate the past. This is all the more true because there is a great deal of forward gazing, with an explosion of new potential strategies for vaccine development based on genetic engineering, and the hope that systems biology and structural biology will tell us which genes must be upregulated or downregulated and what antigenic constructions are needed to achieve a protective immune response1,2,3,4. However, as the future unfolds, the past is sometimes deprecated, a fact that is conveyed in recent expressions by two distinguished individuals: “What happened in the past is that most vaccines have been made empirically without a real immunologic rationale” (Ref. 5) and “We really don't know how to make vaccines in a predictable way. It's still a little bit of black magic” (Ref. 5). Although those statements are true of the early history of vaccines, they have not been true for most of the twentieth cent

  • artenstein vaccines a biography of abraham