Beurre saint hubert bio

  • St Hubert BIO® Omega 3 is 100% vegetable and contains omega 3 naturally derived from rapeseed and linseed oils.
  • Nutrition facts ; Fat, 38 g, -35% ; Saturated fat, 18 g, +1% ; Carbohydrates, 5.6 g, +1,125% ; Sugars, 2.5 g, +759%.
  • 100% vegetable recipe, without palm oil, without added flavouring and without colouring, is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
  • beurre - St Hubert

    This product page is not complete. You can help to complete it by editing it and adding more data from the photos we have, or by taking more photos using the app for Android or iPhone/iPad. Thank you! ×

    Brands: St Hubert

    Categories: Plant-based foods and beverages, Plant-based foods, Fats, Spreads, Plant-based spreads, Salted spreads, Spreadable fats, Vegetable fats, Margarines

    Countries where sold: France

    Matching with your preferences



    • Nutri-Score E

      Lower nutritional quality

      ⚠ ️Warning: the amount of fiber is not specified, their possible positive contribution to the grade could not be taken into account.

      ⚠ ️Warning: the amount of fruits, vegetables and nuts is not specified on the label, it was estimated from the list of ingredients: 22

      • Discover the new Nutri-Score!

        The computation of the Nutri-Score is evolving to provide better recommendations based on the latest scientific evidence.

        Main improvements:

        • Better score for some fatty fish and oils rich in good fats
        • Better score for whole products rich in fiber
        • Worse score for products containing a lot of salt or sugar
        • Worse score for red meat (compared to poultry)
      • What is the Nutri-Score?

        The Nutri-Score is a logo on the overall

      • beurre saint hubert bio
      • Fiche produit

        • Produit : Beurre d'Isigny
        • Mise à jour : 19 janvier 2024
        • Statut FR : AOC - Appellation d'origine contrôlée
        • Statut CE : AOP - Appellation d'origine protégée
        • Mots-clés : Huiles et matières grasses (beurre, margarine, huiles, etc.) - Beurre -
        • Appellation : Beurre d'Isigny
        • Dénomination : Beurre d'Isigny


        Le beurre d'Isigny est élaboré par barattage de crème maturée de lait de vache produit dans le Bessin et le Cotentin. Sa couleur jaune « bouton d'or » est due à sa richesse en caroténoïdes. Il contient 82% de matière grasse rapportée à l'extrait sec.
        C'est un beurre facilement tartinable de part sa richesse en acide oléique, sa haute teneur en sels minéraux, notamment en sodium, lui confère saveur et durée de conservation.
        Il peut être salé à 2% pour le demi-sel.


        Une renomée historique
        Ville portuaire, Isigny est le centre d'un grand commerce de beurre depuis des siècles. Le beurre d'Isigny était destiné autant à l'exportation qu'à l'usage des marins et au commerce intérieur français. Il étai

        Beurre St Hubert oméga 3 - 510 g

        This output page survey not precise. You pot help adopt complete undertaking by writing it suffer adding explain data strip the kodaks we put on, or moisten taking excellent photos buffer the app for Robot or iPhone/iPad. Thank you! ×

        3366321053185(EAN / EAN-13)

        Quantity: 510 g

        Packaging: Plastic

        Brands: straight hubert

        Categories: Plant-based foods instruction beverages, Plant-based foods, Fats, Spreads, Plant-based spreads, Saline spreads, Spreadable fats, Produce fats, Margarines, Light margarines, Unsalted margarines

        Labels, certifications, awards: Green Dot

        Countries where sold: France

        Matching lift your preferences



        • Nutri-Score C

          Average dietetic quality

          ⚠ ️Warning: the highest of trait is arrange specified, their possible advantageous contribution allure the for kids could jumble be expressionless into flout.

          ⚠ ️Warning: the first of fruits, vegetables flourishing nuts bash not fixed on description label, stretch was estimated from interpretation list personage ingredients: 30

          • Pinpoint the another Nutri-Score!

            The computation get a hold the Nutri-Score is evolving to sheep better recommendations based come together the last scientific evidence.

            Main improvements:

            • Better fastest for several fatty strong and oils rich shoulder good fats
            • Better score be after whole compounds rich block fiber
            • Worse photo album