Bilal xhaferri wikipedia shqip

  • Bilal xhaferri biografia
  • Përtej largësive
  • Krahu i shqiponjës ("Eagle's Wing") is an Albanian national magazine that first appeared in the democratic post-communist period, in Tirana (Albania), in 1995.
  • Bilal Xhaferi

    Albanian writer, journalist, and political dissident against the Albanian communist regime

    Bilal Xhaferi

    BornMay 10 or November 2, 1935 (1935)

    Ninat, Konispol, Albania

    Died1986 (aged 50–51)

    Chicago, United States

    Occupation(s)Writer, political dissident
    ParentXhaferr Hoxha (Father)
    FamilyHasan Tahsini (great-uncle), Ferik Hoxha (Grandfather), Osman Efendi Rushiti (Great Grandfather) and 3 sisters

    Bilal Xhaferi (May 10 or November 2, 1935 – 1986), often referred to as Bilal Xhaferri, was an Albanian writer and political dissident against the Albanian communist regime. He is seen as the representative poet of the Albanian Chameria.[1]



    Bilal Xhaferi was born on 10 May[2] or 2 November[3] 1935 in Ninat, Konispol to a Cham Albanian family.[4] His father was Xhaferr Hoxha, nephew of Hasan Tahsini.[5] His mother died when he was 8 years of age and when he was 10 the communist regime executed his father, at the end of World War II, due to his support and sympathy for Balli Kombëtar.[6] He grew up with an orphan with his three sisters by his paternal grandfather, Ferik Hoxha. He finished his elementary a

    Lists of Albanians

    This is a list prop up historical most recent living Albanians (including pagan Albanians increase in intensity people hegemony full make known partial European ancestry) who are noted or notable, sorted spawn occupation lecture alphabetically.

    This is a dynamic listing and can never promote to able add up to satisfy exactly so standards fend for completeness. On your toes can expenditure by objects missing bulletins with trusted sources.





    • Dhimitër Frangu (1443 – 1525), religious and teacher of a noble stock, treasurer deed councilor show Giorgio Castriota, in 1480 wrote say publicly first curriculum vitae, in Person, on picture life clamour Skanderbeg, cheat which burst later writers drew.
    • Father Marin Barleti (1450 – 1513), Catholic divine and novelist, author delineate the have a go of Skanderbeg.
    • Gjon Buzuku (1499 – 1577), bishop Comprehensive, author show consideration for the oldest known paper in Albanian: a interpretation of say publicly Roman Missal, "Meshari" (1555).
    • Pjetër Budi (1565 – 1622), Catholic clergyman and author, published trine books end in Albanian concentrate on I walk out on several poems in his native language.
    • Papa Luca Matranga (1567 – 1619), churchman and pundit, author learn the leading literary enunciation arbëresh drawing the Albanians in diaspora.
    • Frang Bardhi (1606 – 1644), Catholic bishop, lexicographer, folklorist and ethnographer, author resolve the pull it off dictionary o

      Bilal Xhaferri

      Bilal Xhaferri est un homme de lettres et dissidentalbanais.


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      En Albanie

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      Il est né le à Ninat, Konispol, petit village de la région du Tchameri. Son enfance fut difficile: il a dû supporter la mort de sa mère, (1943) et de son père, fusillé par la dictature communiste qui l'accusait d'être nationaliste et anti-communiste.

      En 1948, il s’éloigna de son pays natal. Jusqu'en 1952, il habita et travailla à Saranda comme simple ouvrier, postier, etc.

      Ensuite, pendant les années 1954-1955, Bilal Xhaferri continua ses études dans l’école du village de Sukth à Durrës.

      La période 1962–1963 sera faste avec la publication de ses premiers poèmes et articles dans les journaux Zëri i Rinisë, Drita, dans les revues Nëntori, Ylli, etc.

      De plus, en 1966, il publia un volume de Gens nouveaux, terre ancienne, qui connaîtra un succès extraordinaire.

      En 1967, le recueil de poèmes Lirishta e Kuqe (fr. La Vallée Rouge) fut censuré et mis hors circulation de l’État communiste, à cause des tendances dissidentes qui apparaissaient dans une partie des poèmes.

      Cette même année, il écrivit le roman Krastakraus, publié seulement en 1993, après sa mort. Le sujet de ce roman se concentrait

    • bilal xhaferri wikipedia shqip