Donata wenders biography of martin

  • The message of this unique book is mirrored in sensitive photographs by Donata Wenders, whose work has appeared in prominent newspapers and magazines, including.
  • 4.74.7 out of 5 stars (68).
  • Martin Schleske's powerful The Sound of Life's Unspeakable Beauty links the pursuit of beautiful music with that of finding God.
  • The Sound of Life's Unspeakable Beauty

    Martin Schleske
    Janet Gesme (Translator)
    Donata Wenders (Photographer)
    Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing (Apr 14, 2020)
    Hardcover$24.99 (371pp)

    Martin Schleske’s powerful The Sound of Life’s Unspeakable Beauty links the pursuit of beautiful music with that of finding God.

    Describing the process of building a violin—picking the perfect piece of wood; shaping the wood; adding varnish; giving it a final polish—the book treats each step as a fascinating metaphor for understanding and connecting to God. Schleske seeks wood that sings when struck with a flat blade and learns how to hear and see the world in a different way. He considers different methods of approaching God—passive following and active seeking—to argue that it is possible to learn to be more receptive to God’s grace.

    Its text rare and magical, the book incorporates words from the Bible in an organic fashion, its quotes coming to seem both self-explanatory and surprising. It considers the tones that a violin produces and describes a series of seven resonances that are married to concepts of grace and works. The book’s explanations of how powerlessness plays against power in Jesus’s message are profound, and it plays upon Matthew 11:29 (“take my yoke upon you

  • donata wenders biography of martin
  • The Sound of Life's Unspeakable Beauty

    Christianity Today Book Award in Culture and the Arts (2021)

    “In the final analysis, music is prayer cast into sound.” 

    One of the greatest luthiers of our time reveals the secrets of his profession—and how each phase of handcrafting a violin can point us toward our calling, our true selves, and the overwhelming power and gentleness of God’s love. Schleske explains that our world is flooded with metaphors, parables, and messages from God. But are we truly listening? Do we really see? Drawing upon Scripture, his life experiences, and his insights as a master violinmaker, Schleske challenges readers to understand the world, ourselves, and the Creator in fresh ways. 

    The message of this unique book is mirrored in sensitive photographs by Donata Wenders, whose work has appeared in prominent newspapers and magazines, including The New York TimesRolling Stone, and Esquire, as well as museums and galleries throughout the world.

    Donata Wenders

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