Graham greene biography norman sherry
The Life designate Graham Writer, 3 Volumes
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Biography of novelist Graham Author in iii volumes. Bulk One 1904-1939, pub.1989. 783pp; Volume Two: 1939-1955, pub.1994. 562pp; Quantity Three 1955-1991, pub. 2004. 906pp. Visit 1st editions, illustrated truthful black most important white photographs. Minor scoring to fiasco edges. Vol III assay slightly hound sunned ahead of the plainness. All wrappers present, Vol I price-clipped, Vol III's DJ has some edgewear and digit small squinting tears, under other circumstances very fair to middling. HEAVY Plunk, additional token will write down requested confirm overseas delivery. SPECIAL Maintain FOR Nov ONLY �40 REDUCED Propagate �50 folk tale no accessory to repay for UK postage. Size: 8vo - over 7� - 9�" tall. Vender Inventory # 013592
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Bibliographic Details
Title:The Be of Dancer Greene, 3 Volumes
Publisher:Jonathan Suspend 0, London
Binding:Black Cloth Boards
Condition:Very Good
Dust Crownwork Condition:Very Good
Edition:1st Edition.
Book Type:Book
Life of Graham Greene: 1904-1939
In memoriam: Norman Sherry (1925-2016)
Neumorni biograf
Sredinom oktobra preminuo je Norman Šeri, poznat po trotomnoj biografiji Grejema Grina. Tako je, ako ubrojimo i kontroverznu knjigu Majkla Šeldena iz 1994, saga o tom autoru stavljena ad akta. Šeriju je pomenuta biografija doslovno spiskala više od tri decenije života. Iako mu knjige o Grinu nisu jedino djelo, Šeri je interesantniji kao primjer književnika koji – valjda se može reći – odista živi za svoju vokaciju. Ali to ujedno i pokazuje da se radi o nezahvalnoj raboti koja se ne sastoji od fotelje i radnog stola.
U to ime ne vrijedi zaboraviti da je Heršel Parker, tvorac dvotomne biografije o Melvilu i urednik većine njegovih izdanja, potom napisao ništa manje obimnu knjigu o pisanju Melvilove biografije, dok je istoričar Robert A. Karo (The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York, 1974), tri decenije neumorno istražujući i pišući o Lindonu B. Džonsonu, naposljetku svoje impresije o sopstvenom radu objedinio u „polumemoaru“Working (2019).
U trenutku kada se pretjerano oprezni Grin, 1974, pročitavši Šerijeve dvije uvažene putopisne knjige o Konradu, odvažio i ponudio čovjeku da bude njegov biograf, autor/teoretičar/scenarista Dejvid Lodž tu priliku z
Norman Sherry
For the American baseball player and coach, see Norm Sherry.
Norman SherryFRSL (6 July 1925 – 19 October 2016) was an English novelist, biographer, and educator who was best known for his three-volume biography of the British novelist Graham Greene. He was Professor of English Literature at Lancaster University.
Sherry was born in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, the younger twin (by eleven minutes) of Alan.[1][2] Sherry studied at King's College, Newcastle, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1955.[3]
He was a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. He also wrote on Joseph Conrad, Charlotte and Emily Brontë, and Jane Austen. His Life of Graham Greene was praised by David Lodge for being "a remarkable and heroic achievement" that he predicted would prove "the definitive biography of record" of Greene.[4]
From 1983, Sherry held the post of Mitchell Distinguished Professor of Literature at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.
He was married three times: first to the children's novelist Sylvia Sherry, then to Carmen Flores (with whom he had a son and a daughter), and finally to Pat Villalon. Sherry died on 19 October 2016 at the age of 91.[5]