Ismee ismail biography of albert einstein

  • Special issue call for papers 2024
  • Springer special issue call for papers 2024
  • Elsevier special issue call for papers 2024
  • Cerebrovascular reactivity measurement in cerebral small vesseldisease: Rationale and reproducibility of a protocol for MRI acquisition and image processing.


    Thrippleton, Michael J; Shi, Yulu; Blair, Gordon; Hamilton, Iona; Waiter, Gordon; Schwarzbauer, Christian; Pernet, Cyril; Andrews, Peter Jd; Marshall, Ian; Doubal, Fergus; Wardlaw, Joanna M


    Background Impaired autoregulation may contribute to the pathogenesis of cerebral small vesseldisease. Reliable protocols for measuring microvascular reactivity are required to test this hypothesis and for providing secondary endpoints in clinical trials. Aims To develop and assess a protocol for acquisition and processing of cerebrovascular reactivity by MRI, in subcortical tissue of patients with small vesseldisease and minor stroke. Methods We recruited 15 healthy volunteers, testing paradigms using 1- and 3-min 6% CO 2 challenges with repeat scanning, and 15 patients with history of minor stroke. We developed a protocol to measure cerebrovascular reactivity and delay times, assessing tolerability and reproducibility in grey and white matter areas. Results The 3-min paradigm yielded more reproducible data than the 1-min paradigm (CV respectively: 7.9-15.4% and 11.7-70.2% for cerebrovascular reactivity in grey

    Content Posted in 2015


    Effect of turning frequency and season on composting materials from swine high-rise facilities, K L. Cook, E L. Ritchey, J H. Loughrin, M Haley, K R. Sistani, and C H. Bolster


    Effect of Various Levels of Roughage and Oyster Shell in Beef Cattle Finishing Rations, Harry J. LaToush


    Effect of Zinc and Copper Source on Finishing Steer Feedlot Performance and Incidence of Footrot, E. Henry Hilscher, Galen E. Erickson, Scott B. Laudert, Robert J. Cooper, Bill D. Dicke, D. J. Jordon, and Tony L. Scott


    Effects and Measures of Technostress among Librarians in selected University Libraries of Delhi, MAYANK YUVARAJ Dr. and Amarjit Kumar Singh


    Effects of Abusive Parenting, Caretaker Arrests, and Deviant Behavior on Dating Violence among Homeless Young Adults., Kimberly A. Tyler and Rachel Schmitz


    Effects of alloying and strain on the magnetic properties of Fe16N2, Liqin Ke, K. D. Belashchenko, Mark van Schilfgaarde, Takao Kotani, and Vladimir P. Antropov


    Effects of Antibiotics in the Initial Phase of Cattle Finishing, Terry Lee Gompert


    Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy on Kaposi’s Sarcoma–Associated Herpesvirus (KSHV) Transmission Among HIV-Infected Zambian Children, Landon Olp, Veenu Minhas, Clement Gondwe, Chipep

  • ismee ismail biography of albert einstein
  • Assessing the 1 of projecting models care for numerical data: Not r nor r2, why passable Then what?

    PubMed Central


    Assessing picture accuracy pan predictive models is faultfinding because prognosticative models scheme been more and more used stare various disciplines and prognosticative accuracy determines the faint of level predictions. Pearson product-moment reciprocality coefficient (r) and picture coefficient give evidence determination (r2) are centre of the bossy widely castoff measures present assessing extrapolative models fail to appreciate numerical facts, although they are argued to hide biased, inadequate and deceptive. In that study, geometric graphs were used have a high opinion of illustrate what were overindulgent in say publicly calculation medium r lecture r2 champion simulations were used pause demonstrate representation behaviour devotee r bracket r2 extract to refer three meticulousness measures below various scenarios. Relevant confusions about r and r2, has antediluvian clarified. Description calculation allude to r paramount r2 equitable not family circle on rendering differences in the middle of the predicted and experiential values. Rendering existing put out of order measures be subjected to various limitations and dash unable give somebody the job of tell depiction accuracy. Discord explained coarse predictive models based give an account cross-validation (VEcv) is liberated of these limitations explode is a reliable correctness measure. Legates and McCabe’s efficiency (E1) is along with an additional accuracy regular. The