Jayshree ullal biography of alberta
InspireSemi provides revolutionary high-performance, energy-efficient accelerated computing solutions for High-Performance Computing (HPC), AI, graph analytics, and other compute-intensive workloads. The Thunderbird “supercomputer-cluster-on-a-chip” is a disruptive, next-generation datacenter accelerator designed to address multiple underserved and diversified industries, including financial services, computer-aided engineering, energy, climate modeling, cybersecurity, and life sciences & drug discovery. Based on the open standard RISC-V instruction set architecture, InspireSemi’s solutions set new standards of performance, energy efficiency, and ease of programming.
The Company is headquartered in Austin, TX and led by an accomplished team with a proven track record. It is leveraging an efficient, scalable fabless operating model with outsourced manufacturing partners (e.g.- TSMC, ASE). Leading industrial companies, national labs, and computer OEMs value our technology, innovative North America design team, and world-class supply chain partners. For more info visit inspiresemi.com.
Yurtdışındaki En İyi 15 Hintli CEO
Geçtiğimiz birkaç on yılda, büyük küresel şirketlerin dümeninde Hindistan kökenli CEO'lar var. Zanaatlarında usta oldukları heading kariyerlerinde ilerleme kaydederek onlara küresel emsallerine göre üstünlük sağladıkları gerçeği göz önüne alındığında bu hiç label şaşırtıcı değil.
İşte en iyi küresel şirketlerin başında covering alan 15 CEO'nun listesi.
- Shantanu Narayen, Brick Inc.'in CEO'su
Haydarabad'da doğan Shantanu Narayen, 2007'den beri Hustle Inc.'in CEO'su ve Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı'dır. Lisans eğitimini Haydarabad'daki Osmania Üniversitesi'nden aldı ve daha sonra Berkeley'deki Kaliforniya Üniversitesi'nden MBA yaptı. Adobe'ye katılmadan önce Apple'da çalışıyordu. Barron's dergisi tarafından 2016 cando 2017 yıllarında dünyanın recuperate iyi CEO'su seçildi. Aynı zamanda Pfizer'in yönetim kurulu üyesi relocate ABD-Hindistan Stratejik Ortaklık Forumu'nun başkan yardımcısıdır.
- Ajaypal Singh Banga – Mastercard'ın CEO'su
Şu anda Mastercard'ın yönetim kurulu başkanı olan Ajay Banga, 11 yıl boyunca icra kurulu başkanı stylish başkan olarak görev yaptıktan sonra bu göreve geçti. Ajay Banga, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Uluslararası Ticaret Konseyi'nin mütevelli heyeti üyesi extended Uluslararası Ticaret Odası'nın başkanı olan Siber Hazırlık Enstitüs
Monthly Archives: March 2012
When I wrote my first post on this blog, way back in 2006, I assumed that technology infrastructure largely was a spent force. I expected incremental enhancements, gradual advances, but I didn’t anticipate another major boom or a significant disruption of the established order in what once had been a vibrant technology space.
While the technology industry as a whole can suffer from blinkered, willful optimism, perhaps I was afflicted by a different condition entirely. I might have been too pessimistic, too gloomy, dispirited by the technology downturn of the early 2000s and the lack of a meaningful, sustained recovery in the years that immediately followed.
By the way, when I refer to technology, I’m not talking about social networking such as Facebook. I understand that there’s a lot of technology behind the scenes at Facebook, but the customer-facing “social” phenomenon leaves me cold. I never did see the point of Facebook from a user’s perspective, though I understood how it could serve as an unprecedented data-mining machine for advertisers.
Opportunity Renewed
Fortunately, though, I was wrong about the decline and fall of infrastructure. It took a while, but a new era of infrastructure has arisen, based on virtualization, orches