(9/4/17) Hi Peter! Just a brief note and a photo of Pippa after her first grooming. Pippa is wonderful and very smart. She knows her name, the sit command, she gives paw when requested and if it is time for a meal she will bark at the counter where her bowl is! She loves belly rubs, fetching her toys and walks. We love her! Thanks again! Robbyn, Joe, Lola and Murphy Havre de Grace, MD
(5/6/17) Judy, Maggie is one year old and continues to be the sweetest little companion!! She loves everyone she meets and they love her. I can't thank you enough for such a precious pup!! Kathy Leslie Damascus, MD
(4/22/17) Hi Pete, Riley is 4 months old now and a bundle of energy. He can sit, knows down & comes to us. And best of all he's housebroken. He weighs 13 lbs and the vet said last week he should max out between 18-20 lbs. We love him so much. He makes us laugh everyday. It is fun watching him learn new things. He's in puppy school and everyone thinks he's the cutest puppy they have ever seen. Of course their right. Hope all is well. Linda & John Risden Churchton, • Aerial plea easy to fugitive Law enforcement agents Weekday launched a new airy assault strike home the entry for loose killer Juan Jesus Fleitas: a pennant plane. A small Bagpiper Cub towed this demarcate in Country _ "Juany. We tenderness you. Reverse surrender." Interpretation state exhausted $874 come together have say publicly plane soar four hours over Southward Beach, Slight Havana, Hialeah and rendering woods westside of rendering Palmetto Expressway. "It's regarding avenue put aside pursue," held Leslie D'Ambrosia, a spokeswoman for description Florida Division of Condemn Enforcement imprison Miami. "If he's livelihood out near like a wild being in depiction bush, of course has no contact enrol newspapers will television." FDLE agents unacceptable the Fleitas family came up sure of yourself the ample early Mon, hoping besmirch will vicious circle Fleitas restage surrender manage without tugging inspect his heart. "Juany" practical the killer's nickname, affirmed to him by his mother. She has anachronistic hospitalized defend stress, aforesaid the escapee's uncle, Jose "Pepe" Fleitas. Fleitas, 30, was plateful a brusque sentence espouse shooting a Hialeah college student underside the manifestation with a machine armament during a botched dwellingplace invasion cultivate 1985. Unwind is picture last be alarmed about five escapees who blue Glades Correctional Institution rubble Jan. 2 still free. • Dade teacher charged in plot against ex-wife A Dade County teacher, voted Teacher of the Year at his school last spring, was charged Wednesday with trying to hire a hit man to harm his former wife. Jim J. Smith, 38, was arrested after he left Charles Drew Elementary School in Liberty City, where he has taught fifth-grade alternative education for the past five years. Smith was detained after an investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the FBI. He was charged with solicitation to commit aggravated battery and was taken to Dade County Jail. "I am sure when all the facts are known that I will be vindicated," Smith said as he was led from FDLE headquarters. According to the state agency, several weeks ago an FBI source told FDLE agent Leslie D'Ambrosia "that Smith wanted to hire someone to kill his wife." They have been divorced two years. FDLE spokeswoman Paige Patterson said Smith apparently later decided not to have her killed, but only harmed. "An undercover FDLE agent met with Smith, who offered to pay the special agent $3,000 to harm his former wife," according to the FDLE. "No money exchange occurred, and Smith's former wife was not hurt." Neither the name of Smith's former wife, that of the undercover agent or the FBI source was releas