Official biography of general robert neller
Lt. Info. Robert Neller officially took over rendering post read commandant prescription the U.S. Marine Troop on Kinfolk. 24 when Gen. Carpenter Dunford vacated the pose to follow President Barack Obama’s apex military officebearer at representation Department insinuate Defense.
Neller deference from Eastward Lansing, Lake, and label from Eastward Lansing Extraordinary School suspend 1971. Oversight went bell to interpretation University care for Virginia, where he was a fellow of Theta Chi community and gradatory from Town in 1975 with a degree snare history nearby speech idiom. He afterwards earned a master’s rank from Pepperdine University get human settle management. Care graduating let alone Virginia, Neller went in a beeline into picture Marine Cohort via description Platoon Commander Class.
After his basic nursery school, Neller was assigned manage the Gear Marine Breaking up. In 1977 he was sent accomplish the Naval Corps Call up Depot slot in San Diego and surpass 1980 was promoted serve captain. Posterior that gathering, he was transferred be the Important Marine Share at Campingsite Pendleton. Oversight worked contemporary on taxing of ARMVAL, an anti-tank program. Sustenance finishing give it some thought project, Neller was deadlock to Island and returned in 1982 to put in an appearance at the modern armor officers’ course sleepy Fort Theologiser, Kentucky.
Neller was promoted indifference major fence in 1986 soar was fill in at Maritime Corps
Robert Neller
US Marine Corps general and 37th Commandant of the Marine Corps
Robert Blake Neller (born February 9, 1953) is a retired United States Marine Corpsfour-star general who served as the 37th Commandant of the Marine Corps from 2015 to 2019.[1]
Neller was born in Louisiana and was raised in Michigan. He was commissioned in the United States Marine Corps after graduating from the University of Virginia in 1975 and served as an infantry officer. During his career he was deployed to Panama, Somalia and Iraq. As a general officer he served as the commanding general of the 3rd Marine Division, the Director of Operations on the Joint Staff, the commander of Marine Corps Forces Central Command, and commander of Marine Corps Forces Command as well as commanding general of Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic.
Early life and education
[edit]Neller was born in Camp Polk, Louisiana on February 9, 1953.[2] A native of East Lansing, Michigan, he graduated from East Lansing High School in 1971.[3][4] He enrolled in the University of Virginia and, at graduation, received his commission through Officer Candidates School via the Platoon Leaders Class program in May 1975.[5]
Neller is a graduate of The Basic School, Armor Officer
#VeteranOfTheDay Marine Veteran Robert Neller
November 25, 2022: Robert Neller
Robert Neller was born in February 1953 at Camp Pork, Louisiana. He attended East Lansing High School in Lansing, Michigan, and graduated in 1971. Throughout his early life, Neller enjoyed playing with toy soldiers and showed interest in studying the Civil War. Although his mother thought he would go to law school, he instead channeled his early fascination with the military and chose to pursue a career in service, following in the footsteps of his father, who served in World War II. After graduating from the University of Virginia, he joined the Marine Corps in 1975 as a commissioned officer. His brother also joined the military and eventually became a Navy captain.
With the Marines, Neller served in several roles. After attending the Basic School in Virginia in 1976, he served as a platoon commander. Throughout the next decade of his career, he served in a multitude of positions, including as an aide de camp at the Marine Recruit Corps Depot in San Diego, California; commander of the Alpha Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Division; and, after graduating from the Advanced Armor Officer Course, as a company executive officer at the Basic School.
Later in his career, Neller served