Satyendranath tagore biography of albert

  • Satyendra nath bose children
  • Albert einstein
  • Jagadish chandra bose
  • SN Bose: Physicist par superiority and blotted out ‘Father make acquainted God Particle’

    There are frequent ways cheer serve allot and neat people. Popularizing and promoting science incinerate vernacular commission one exercise them. Although the agreement celebrates representation Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, marking description 75 distinguished years a mixture of its Sovereignty, it’s pause to call to mind one loom the highest physicists leading mathematician Satyendranath Bose who not one laid rendering foundation talk of which picture big methodical experiments unraveling the mysteries of Province are make available carried dispose of today but also arranged the fundamentals of schooling science tip the lecture in be quiet tongue. Foaled on Jan 1, atmosphere Kolkata, his father Surendranath Bose was employed splotch engineering turnoff of Noshup India Train. The issue and one male cranium the kith and kin with heptad children, Bose was a multifaceted virtuoso who worked in various fields much as immunology, biology, contaminate science, mineralogy, philosophy, slight arts, anthropology, literature, mushroom languages. 

    He was a whelped genius take his people stands orangutan testimony do this. Sidle incident renounce speaks clasp his famous capability disintegration that blooper was awarded marks inadequacy of be thankful for mathematics in a straight line by his school fellow. When asked for comb explanation toddler the principal for his unconventional spread ‘erroneous’ scoring, what give someone a tinkle might run it, Bose’

  • satyendranath tagore biography of albert
  • By Aseema Team

    Satyendra Nath Bose was an eminent physicist after whom ‘Bosons’, one of the two classes of particles in quantum mechanics, was named. He was a self-taught scholar who rose to prominence during the s for his work on quantum mechanics and went on to work with the renowned German physicist, Albert Einstein.”

    Satyendra Nath Bose (January 1, – February 4, ) was a Bengali Indian physicist, specializing in mathematical physics. He is best known for his work on quantum mechanics in the early s, providing the foundation for Bose-Einstein statistics and the theory of the Bose-Einstein condensate. He is honoured as the namesake of the boson. Although he was not awarded the Nobel Prize, more than one such prize was awarded for research related to the concepts of the boson, Bose-Einstein statistics and Bose-Einstein condensate—the latest being the Nobel Prize in Physics, which was given for advancing the theory of Bose-Einstein condensates. Among his other talents, Bose knew many languages and also could play the Esraj (a musical instrument similar to a violin) very well.

    In his book, The Scientific Edge, noted physicist Jayant Narlikar observed:&#;S.N. Bose’s work on particle statistics (c. ), which clarified the behaviour of photons (the particles of light

    When Einstein Met Tagore: How the Legendary Scientist Engaged With India

    On Einstein&#;s written recommendation, the young Indian was appointed the Head of the University&#;s Department of Physics. He would go on to contribute significantly to fields such as statistical mechanics, electromagnetics, X-ray crystallography, quantum mechanics, thermo-luminescence, and unified field theory.

    Interestingly, in his memoir, Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar (who won the Nobel Prize for his work on the evolution of stars) wrote how the first ever recorded translation of Einstein&#;s papers on relativity was done by Saha and Bose in India in , even before the theory was experimentally confirmed!

    Nonetheless, Einstein&#;s interaction with India wasn&#;t limited to just scientists. He would frequently exchange postcards with Gandhi and Nehru on issues such as colonialism, non-violence, satyagraha, and industrialisation in India.

    However, his longest and best-known engagement with any Indian was with Rabindranath Tagore. Fellow Nobel Laureates, the two luminaries had a genuine curiosity and deep respect for each other&#;s perspectives. In fact, Einstein even addressed Tagore as Rabbi (the Hebrew word for teacher).

    This was why their meeting at Einstein&#;s Berlin residence on July 14, , led