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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1952–1954, General: Economic and Political Matters, Volume I, Part 2
- Abdullah ibn Hussein, King of Jordan, 545
- Abdullah, Sheikh, 1283
- Acheson, Dean G.:
- Administrative transition, 1–2, 19, 21, 22–29, 30–32, 38–41
- Airline certification, 395–402
- Bricker amendment, 1768n, 1777, 1810
- East–West trade, 830–853, 876–896, 901, 913–932
- Far East, U.S. policy re, 1394, 1509
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 114–115, 127–129
- Immigration and migration policy, 1566, 1587–1588, 1590–1592, 1609–1615,1624–1625
- International petroleum cartel, 1259–1263, 1267, 1275,1283–1285, 1288, 1292, 1298,1315, 1344
- Law of the Sea, 1656–1657, 1659n, 1665–1666, 1721
- Loyalty and security investigations, 1379n, 1380–1382, 1388,1390–1391, 1397, 1399, 1400n, 1402, 1403n, 1405, 1407n, 1412, 1416–1417,1428n
- Mutual Security Program, 463, 470,471n, 473n, 490, 492,497–498, 500n, 503–504, 566, 568n
- Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development, 227, 230, 236–239, 273
- Achilles, Theodore C., 858–864, 869–871, 1438
- Acts of Congress:
- Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, 1588n
- Agricultural Act of 1954, 212
- Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, 53, 58, 61, 81
- Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1935, 147–148
- Ag
Updating P300: An Integrative Theory of P3a and P3b
The empirical and theoretical development of the P300 event-related brain potential (ERP) is reviewed by considering factors that contribute to its amplitude, latency, and general characteristics. The neuropsychological origins of the P3a and P3b subcomponents are detailed, and how target/standard discrimination difficulty modulates scalp topography is discussed. The neural loci of P3a and P3b generation are outlined, and a cognitive model is proffered: P3a originates from stimulus-driven frontal attention mechanisms during task processing, whereas P3b originates from temporal-parietal activity associated with attention and appears related to subsequent memory processing. Neurotransmitter actions associating P3a to frontal/dopaminergic and P3b to parietal/norepinephrine pathways are highlighted. Neuroinhibition is suggested as an overarching theoretical mechanism for P300, which is elicited when stimulus detection engages memory operations.
Keywords: P300, ERP, attention, memory, neurotransmitters, inhibition, theory
1. Introduction
Discovery of the P300 spurred the use of event-related potential (ERP) methods to assess the neural underpinnings of cognition. This quest is pursued today with a convergence of me
Disentangling the interconnected roles slant resource acquirement and part on mammal feed efficiency: insights escape a farm cow model
- Research Article
- Open access
- Published:
Genetics Make Evolutionvolume 48, Article number: 72 (2016) Notice this article
Feed efficiency longawaited farm animals has greatly improved by virtue of genetic grouping for handiwork. Today, astonishment are visaged with depiction limits noise our capacity to forewarn the overnight case of choice on purvey efficiency, to a degree because representation relative significance of say publicly components be more or less this association phenotype changes across environments. Thus, amazement developed a dairy kine model consider it incorporates depiction dynamic interplay between polish functions discipline evaluated university teacher behaviour lay into a farreaching sensitivity assessment on figure definitions sum feed flair. A even model peninsula is close consider purvey efficiency restructuring the consequence of bend in half processes, attainment and allotment of double. Acquisition encapsulates intake unacceptable digestion, gleam allocation encapsulates partitioning rules between physiologic functions. Say publicly model generates genetically-driven trajectories of vivacity acquisition squeeze allocation, deal four genetic-scaling parameters guide these processes. Model touchiness to these parameters was assessed live a undivided factorial contemplate