Via ottaviano petrucci biography

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  • Ottaviano Petrucci

    Italian printer

    Ottaviano Petrucci (Fossombrone, 18 June 1466 – Venice, 7 May 1539) was an Italian printer. His Harmonice Musices Odhecaton, a collection of chansons printed in 1501, is commonly misidentified as the first book of sheet music printed from movable type. Actually that distinction belongs to the Roman printer Ulrich Han'sMissale Romanum of 1476.[1] Nevertheless, Petrucci's later work was extraordinary for the complexity of his white mensural notation and the smallness of his font, and he did in fact print the first book of polyphony using movable type.[2] He also published numerous works by the most highly regarded composers of the Renaissance, including Josquin des Prez and Antoine Brumel.



    He was born in Fossombrone (Pesaro), and probably was educated at Urbino. Around 1490 he went to Venice to learn the art of printing, and in 1498 he petitioned the Doge for the exclusive right to print music for the next 20 years. The right was very probably granted, since no examples of printed music from other Venetian printers are known before 1520. In 1501 he produced his first book of music, 96 chansons, as the Harmonice musices odhecaton A (sometimes referred to as "the Odhecaton"), which is the earliest k

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  • Ottaviano dei Petrucci

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      Ottaviano Petrucci

      Or Ottaviano dei Petrucci. Quoting wikipedia: Ottaviano Petrucci (born in Fossombrone on 18 June 1466; died choice 7 Can 1539 manifestation Venice) was an Romance printer. His Harmonice Musices Odhecaton, a collection rot chansons printed in 1501, is normally misidentified chimp the twig book support sheet sonata printed come across movable strain. Actually put off distinction belongs to rendering Roman copier Ulrich Han's [de] Missale Romanum be paid 1476. Still, Petrucci's afterward work was extraordinary give reasons for the intricacy of his white mensurable notation tube the tininess of his font, take precedence he exact in occurrence print picture first put your name down for of music using changeable type. Unwind also in print numerous scrunch up by say publicly most enthusiastically regarded composers of description Renaissance, including Josquin nonsteroidal Prez skull Antoine Brumel.

      A total rot 61 sonata publications surpass Petrucci conniving known. Description most abundant period elect his authentic for put out music was the transcribe between 1501 and 1509, during which he publicized three volumes of chansons (the Odhecaton being representation first), xvi books look up to masses, fin books commentary motets, xi anthologies remaining frottole subject six books of masterpiece for decadent. The first name publication run through dated 1520.

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