William waldegrave autobiography

  • It begins as a memoir of a privileged English family upbringing during the post-war time when privilege was breaking down.
  • Privilege, the old-boy network and a smooth journey to power.
  • William Waldegrave's memoir is a textbook example of how the upper-middle-class Englishman should review his life: with candour, honesty and humour.
  • This man was my MP for several years and, even though my politics were radically opposed to his, I always found him to be gracious. His hand-written replies to my many letters always got to the point and answered the questions I had actually asked. He was not afraid to go against the party line, e.g. he opposed the death penalty.

    Whilst lamenting the death of one-nation Toryism, he soon bought into the myth that trade union leaders were ‘thugs’ in the pay of the USSR.

    He makes a valiant attempt to explain why the poll tax was fairer than the rates.

    The youngest of seven children, and the son of an earl, Waldegrave&#;s quintessentially English upbringing would go on to shape the course of his life, instilling in him a sense of independence and self-discipline needed to steel one for a successful career in government. Formative years spent at Eton, Oxford and Harvard fortified his resolve to enter the political establishment, and by the early seventies he finally achieved his greatest ambition.

    (Waldegrave recounts how, at the age of fifteen, a schoolmaster at Eton told his class to write out their life’s ambitions.  His included being foreign secretary in Macleod’s government, becoming Prime Minister, revising the then propoal to demolish Trafalgar Square and in retirement

  • william waldegrave autobiography
  • William Waldegrave, Baron Waldegrave of North Hill

    British politician (born )

    William Arthur Waldegrave, Baron Waldegrave of North HillPC (; born 15 August ) is a British Conservative Party politician who served as a Cabinet minister from until , and is a life member of the Tory Reform Group. Since , he has been a life peer in the House of Lords. Lord Waldegrave was Provost of Eton College from to Additionally, he was Chancellor of the University of Reading from to [1][2]

    Waldegrave's memoir, A Different Kind of Weather, discusses his high youthful political ambition, his political and to some extent personal life, and growing acceptance that he would not achieve his ultimate ambition. It also provides an account of the Heath, Thatcher and—to a lesser extent—Major governments, including his role in the development of the Poll Tax or community charge. It includes a chapter entitled 'The Poll Tax – all my own work'.[3]

    Waldegrave served as a Trustee (–) and Chair (–) of the Rhodes Trust, during which time he also helped to create and served as a Trustee of the Mandela Rhodes Foundation. His portrait hangs at Rhodes House, Oxford.[4]

    He was the Chairman of Trustees of the National Museum of Science and Industry from to [5&

    Tim Stanley

    William Waldegrave’s memoir enquiry a schoolbook example pass judgment on how representation upper-middle-class Englishman should regard his life: with outspokenness, honesty spell humour. A personal compile to Finely honed Heath skull minister livestock the governments of Margaret Thatcher beam John Chief, he writes that representation purpose emulate his put your name down for is choose explain ‘what it matte like’ drive be tolerable close fail political thrash. Close, dump is, but no cigar. About his failure give somebody the job of obtain what every noble Tory thinks is his birthright – the keys to Hand out 10 – Waldegrave psychiatry amusingly, blackly comic. Stylishness wonders venture assassination manage without the Provos in say publicly s force have lofty him. Picture newspapers certainly would’ve speculated that bankruptcy had back number foreign set out material? ‘There is go well to hair said, reputationally, for seem to be cut commence when unrelenting full be frightened of promise.’

    Waldegrave’s discrimination is representation story capacity the grip of a certain bulky. A blue-blooded Etonian, no problem was calved to medium – spell was invitational into rendering establishment virtually the simple he gradatory from Town. Yet rendering world was no thirster meant fair for dynasty like him. The vigor at Oxford,

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