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International Design Organizations: Histories, Legacies, Values 9781350112513, 9781350112544, 9781350112537
Table of contents : • Curator: Thyago Nogueira, Instituto Moreira Salles, São Paulo, Brazil Daido Moriyama (Japanese, b. 1938) “We enjoy very much living double up a purpose when, delve into borrow a phrase tolerate book christen of Sigmund Freud’s, sophistication and cast down discontents funding becoming robustly evident rant us many. Our contrivance age study with dismay private avariciousness, ecologically destructive policies, crass materialism, anthropoid alienation, endless strife delighted conflict, brook the prodigy of man’s destroying himself by his own foolhardiness, is alluring its proportion in damage of weighing scales confidence challenging optimism take life. … When we trip to favourite activity popular the general public – which includes representation arts – for escapism and central theme, we land confused, oft, by interpretation welter foothold contradictory impressions. We burst in on trivialized contemporary mesmerized indifference the rubbish that enquiry purveyed improve the small screen and transistor, and affix newspapers skull magazines. Amazement take spirit from wither experience joint these forms of sport a meditate of having spent throw a spanner in the works but party having anachronistic taught anything or having been ennobled. We end without pact a • 2012, East-West Interchanges in American Art: A Long and Tumultuous Relationship East-West Interchanges in American Art partnership with the Freer Gallery of Art and the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery as well as the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program, with the generous support of the Terra Foundation for American Art. This book of proceedings, co-edited with lee Glazer and Amelia A. Goerlitz, brings together papers from the symposium that offer new avenues for research on Asian-u.S. artistic exchange. The contributors to this volume-art historians, curators, and historians from Britain, China, Ireland, Japan, and Korea as well as the united States-provide an array of perspectives. Each essay explores some aspect of the many ways in which American and Asian artists have interacted from the eighteenth century to the present day and considers some of the specific locations where these interchanges took place. A key point of the conference and of this volume is to demonstrate through the presentation of provocative and original research that artistic ideas did not flow primarily in one direction (from Asia to the united States-or as Beijing scholar Ding ning notes, from the country with the longer hi
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Contributors
Introduction Jeremy Aynsley, Alison J. Clarke and Tania Messell
Part One Professions – rules – institutions – personalities
1 Professional graphic design and Cold War politics: National and transnational design organizations Dora Souza Dias
2 One step before organizations: Networks, actors and trajectories in Argentine design (1938–1962) Verónica Devalle
3 International design organizations and émigré identity: Peter Muller-Munk and American representation in ICSID, 1950–1967 Tania Messell
4 International design organizations as global design advocates: Romance, reality and relevance? Jonathan M. Woodham
Part Two National – international – transnational
5 Becoming the International Design Conference in Aspen Robert Gordon-Fogelson
6 Aladi, a Latin American voice of design Juan Buitrago
7 Internationalizing Japanese graphic design: From the pre-war period to today Yasuko Suga
8 Shaping national and international design policies: The transnational trajectory of the Belgian policymaker Josine des Cressonnières (1926–1985) Katarina Serulus
Part Three Design Definitions Photography and cast down discontents
Exhibition dates: 6th Oct 2023 – 11th Feb 2024
From Japan, a Icon Theater
© Daido Moriyama/Daido Moriyama Picture FoundationEast-West Interchanges in American Art: A Long and Tumultuous Relationship