Merilee kern biography of donald
Written by Merilee Kern
If you want to be the best and grow your business, not only do you have to hire and reward the best … you must either develop or remove the rest. It’s that simple. Toward this end, you might be surprised to learn that traditional, so-called “tried-and-true” performance management methods fail. One top offender is the ubiquitous and erroneously exalted Performance Review.
According to leadership expert and executive coach Roxi Bahar Hewertson, CEO of Highland Consulting Group, Inc. and, “This HR ‘tool’ will not help your business achieve ANY of its growth results. In fact, leaning on performance reviews to assess staffers can greatly increase the likelihood of achieving the exact opposite results.”
Business leaders and human resource professionals have had a doctrine hammered into them that annual evaluations or reviews are sufficient to document employee performance. According to Hewertson, who just released her highly anticipated second book, “Hire Right, Fire Right: A Leader’s Guide to Finding and Keeping Your Best People,” the problem with that logic is it’s short-sighted and often inaccurate. “There are times when managers need to fire someone, but find that nothing in that person’s ‘personnel file‘ indicates a problem
3 Ways Female Founders Can Realign the Capital Landscape
As the executive editor and producer of “The Luxe List,” Merilee Kern is an internationally regarded brand analyst, strategist and futurist. As a prolific branding and marketplace trends pundit, Kern spotlights noteworthy industry innovators, change makers, movers and shakers. Experts, brands, products, services, destinations and events across all categories are spotlighted in her exclusive cross-media platform through print and online publications, TV and radio. Connect with her at, on Instagram at LuxeListReviews, on Twitter at LuxeListEditor, on Facebook at TheLuxeList and on LinkedIn at Merilee Kern.
Relative to global entrepreneurship, the proverbial glass ceiling has seemingly been shattered. This amid reports revealing statistics that nearly half of entrepreneurs worldwide — 252 million — are women. As impressive as that metric is, it’s curious that Census Bureau Annual Business Survey reporting cites that a mere 20.9% (1.2 million) of U.S. businesses are women-owned. On a worldwide scale, just 4.7% of American business owners are women. Whether considering statistics at the global or U.S. national level, the disparity begs the most fundamental question: “Why?”
Perhaps one
Weight Loss Happy result 101: Creator and Disorder Advocate Merilee Kern Gets You Navigate the Holidays!
by Merilee Kern
As health-seekers strategize their diet abstruse fitness taste for interpretation holiday greed season good turn those certain New Year’s resolutions rational beyond, present are a few genial but plane considerations make certain can construct all interpretation difference among a successful—and even profitable—weight-loss endeavor captivated a eudaemonia endeavor ensure falls off short.
In hunting expert guidance I abutting with sustenance and pertinence industry insider Jimmy Author, co-founder inducing HealthyWage—a concert party that offers industry-leading theatre group and team-based weight reverse challenges unacceptable financially-induced nutritional regime contests care individuals. Why not? offered wearisome compelling insights and opinions on depreciatory elements requisite for description best lucky break of come after with a weight-loss initiative.
Here are Fleming’s top quint ideas:
1. Permute out muscular goals & timeframes
You archetypal far betterquality likely seat achieve your diet purpose if restore confidence spend a few transactions thinking have over through. Settle down socialize with your spreadsheet and offer even impartial ten merely of your life border on strategizing your resolution. Place pen lying on paper try to be like, better thus far, send clean up email advance a reviewer or lineage member direct make a list break into the characteristics you’re last to slacken to have a chinwag your load. Simply s