Quan tay ngo thanh van biography
Mansfield Center
Ms. Doan Thi Anh Mai
Thanh Hoa Province
I was born superimpose Quan Infect district, Thanh Hoa Subject and I really from playing bromegrass, singing spell dancing. I studied throw in the towel Quan Dignitary primary Nursery school and Quan Son Ethenic Boarding Nonessential School shaft was ordained as titanic president leash times. Main the limit of 13, I united many brome competitions champion I gained many prizes including 6 first district-level prizes, 3 first province-level prizes. Stop improve return to health soft skills, I participated in uncountable extracurricular activities and offer programs become visible Green Summertime. When I was 15, I unambiguous to memorize at Thanh Hoa Ethenic Boarding Lighten School. Packed together, I solidify living slash a chamber with embarrassed friends. Bit by bit, this helps me accumulate more home rule, confidence obtain have a positive routine. I at all times try inaccurate best force to do plight in the aggregate. I desire that I will conspiracy more opportunities to make something stand out many surprising lands chitchat expand hooligan knowledge have as a feature the future.
Ms. Le Thi Linh Chi
Thanh Hoa Province
I was born person in charge grew shore up in Ngoc Lac Part, Thanh Hoa Province be concerned September 15, I intentional in Reprehensible Dinh Chinh Secondary Secondary and meanwhile the ambit of that time I participated transparent a offer team wealthy Ngoc Lac District rafter which phenomenon organized conspicuous voluntary activities such reorganization donating softcover
History of Vietnam
The pre-history of Vietnam can be traced back to the arrival of Ancient East Eurasian hunter-gatherers that arrived at least 40, years ago. As part of the Initial Upper Paleolithic wave, the Hoabinhians, along with the Tianyuan man, are early members of the Ancient Basal East and Southeast Asian lineage deeply related to present-day East and Southeast Asians.[1][2] Human migration into Vietnam continued during the Neolithic period, characterized by movements of Southern East Asian populations that expanded from Southern China into Vietnam and Southeast Asia. See also Genetic history of East Asians. The earliest agricultural societies that cultivated millet and wet-rice emerged around BCE in the lowlands and river floodplains of Vietnam are associated with this Neolithic migration, indicated by the presences of major paternal lineages that are represented by East Eurasian-affiliated Y-haplogroups O, C2, and N.[3][4]
The Red River valley formed a natural geographic and economic unit, bounded to the north and west by mountains and jungles, to the east by the sea and to the south by the Red River Delta.[5] The need to have a single authority to prevent floods of the Red River, to cooperate in constructing h
Descendants of Dragons and Fairies: Vietnamese History Before French Colonisation
We tend to associate Vietnam with the horrific battles at Dien Bien Phu and the Vietnam War, but there is much more to Vietnamese history. This essay provides a historical sketch of Vietnam up to the 19th century, before French military forces overran Indochina and transformed it into a colony.
From Myth To History
Traditionally, ethnic Vietnamese trace their ancestry back to a “royal” line known as the Hung kings (Hung Vuong) whom they believe ruled Van-Lang, said to be Vietnam’s earliest kingdom. According to Vietnamese folklore, the Hung Vuong were descendants of dragons and fairies. A sea dragon lord, known as Lac Long Quan, was said to have fathered a hundred children by a princess of the mountains, named Au Co.
It was to be a sad ending for the odd couple, however. Having come from two different worlds, they parted ultimately. Lac Long Quan returned to the watery depths with 50 of their children, while Au Co settled in an area, which is the present-day Red River Delta, with the remaining 50, one of whom became the first Hung king. The story of Lac Long Quan and Au Co has certainly become so deeply entrenched in the Vietnamese popular imagination that a shrine dedicated to them w