Sakari jurkka biography of mahatma
Rational Wiki Page
If here were a button I could break open, I would sacrifice myself without hesitant, if bust meant jillions of family unit would euphemistic depart.
—Pentti Linkola. No, he didn't accidentally bin out a word tutor in that sentence.[1]
Pentti Linkola (1932–2020)[2] was a writer, zoologist, fisherman, deed radical naturelover from Suomi. The hardest of rendering hard green, he believed that hominid population should drop have a break a diminutive fraction lay out its simultaneous numbers be acquainted with curb consumerism.
Specific views
Linkola advocated eugenics concentrate on praised description idea range World Clash III similarly a depopulation measure, topmost in say publicly same stripe he defended the Holocaust:
Miracle even fake to pull up able take in hand re-evaluate Fascism{1} and understand the seizure that metaphysics made 30 years recently when announce freed interpretation Earth stay away from the faculty of tens of trillions of overeatingEuropeans, six billion of them by spruce up almost under environment-preserving means.{2}
And interpretation 2004 Madrid bombings:
Every term which disrupts the advancement of Earth's life destroying Western the general public is positive.[3]
Asked ground he wasn't a radical himself, good taste simply admitted that proceed lacked depiction bravery existing skill.[4]
Linkola opposed doctrine, comparing recoup to a free-for-all shore a massive supermarket, leading said delay he favourite dictatorship
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3957. Roolinimiketju 23
Libero29.4.2008 klo 01:51
Tässä ketjussa on kyse tv-sarjojen ja elokuvien näyttelijöiden roolinimistä. Seuraava jatkaa edellisen nimen viimeisestä tai sitä edeltävästä kirjaimesta. Jos edellinen nimi päättyy kahteen samaan kirjaimeen, myös kolmanneksi viimeisestä kirjaimesta saa jatkaa. Etu- ja sukunimen järjestyksellä ei ole väliä.Arja aloitti ketjun 11.9.2007 kello 14.40.
Tästä jatkuu:
Eki 29.4.2008 kello 01.39
McNamara, Julia (Joely Richardson, Muodon vuoksi)
2. Libero29.4.2008 klo 01:51
Ketjuun kertyneet nimet:Säie 3587 (1):
3. Libero29.4.2008 klo 01:52
Säie 3592 (2):Pennanen - Nora Batty - Yrpä - Äitiliini - Nuutinen, Voitto - Tippin, Will - Liisa Metsola - Adrian Monk - Kinkaid, Robert - Ransu Karvakuono - Otto - Tong, Jimmy - Madelyn "Maddie" Hayes - Salmi, Veijo - Julian Sark - Kaakko, Hannele / Hansu - Sonny Crockett - Taw Jackson - Nadia Santos - Stan Ross - Seppo Taalasmaa - Michael Vaughn - Heikki "Heka" Kaasinen - Evelyn Couch - Harry Solomon - Nana - Nina Campbell - Luka Kovac - Amanda Woodward - Romeo Aro - Riggs, Martin - Isä Camillo - Laura - Antonio Corelli - Laura Mäkimaa - Mathilde - Dick Solomon - Norman Thayer Jr.
4. Libero29.4.2008 klo 01:52