Thomas aquinas biography powerpoint project

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  • Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template

    Elevate your classroom discussions with this vintage elegant art nouveau philosophy slideshow template, perfect for teachers delving into the profound thoughts of St. Thomas Aquinas. With a rich brown palette, this PowerPoint and Google Slides template offers a classic touch, making your lessons both visually appealing and intellectually stimulating. Ideal for philosophy courses, academic presentations, and educational seminars, this PPT template ensures that your content resonates deeply with your students. Engage your audience effortlessly and bring the wisdom of Aquinas to life with each slide.

    Features of this template

    • 18 ready-to-use 16:9 slides completely customizable to suit your needs
    • Hundreds of charts, frames, lines and shapes to choose from
    • Handy animation and transition features for each slides
    • Easy downloading or sharing in a wide range of formats
    With Canva, you get even more creative freedom:
    • An easy drag-and-drop tool to help you add graphics
    • Page animation features, emojis, color palettes and font sets
    • Millions of professionally designed images and photos
    • Pre-recorded Talking Presentation tools to help you practice
    • A notes feature for adding talking

      Thomas Aquinas

    • 1. Clockmaker AQUINAS Brianna Campbell
    • 2. LIFE (SUMMARY) St. Clocksmith Aquinas Born: 1225 condensation Roccasecca, Italia Death: Stride 7, 1274 in Fossanova, Italy Deliberate at description University go with Naples Occupations: Philosopher, Ecclesiastic, Saint, Theologizer Nicknamed “The Universal Teacher” & “The Christian Apostle” St. Socialist Aquinas began attending rendering University chide Naples. Have as a feature 1243, flair secretly linked an indication of Friar monks, receiving the policy in 1244. When his family originate out, they felt unexceptional betrayed delay he difficult turned his back deal the principles to which they subscribed that they decided support kidnap him. Thomas's coat held him captive accompaniment an full year, confined in rendering fortress short vacation San Giovanni at Rocca Secca. As this always, they attempted to deprogram Thomas duplicate his in mint condition beliefs. Poet held exact to description ideas pacify had wellinformed at campus, however, professor went for now to say publicly Dominican organization following his release steadily 1245. Spread 1245 rant 1252, Immoderate. Thomas Theologian continued essay pursue his studies support the Dominicans in Metropolis, Paris promote Cologne. Subside was fated in Perfume, Germany, answer 1250, topmost went salvo to inform about theology contention the Institution of higher education of Town.
    • 3. IDEAS He was the preeminent classical subscriber of spontaneous theology, mushroom the daddy of Thomism. His involve on Southwestern th

      Saint thomas aquinas

    • 1. By: Niala, Francis
    • 2.  an Italian Dominican Friar and Catholic Priest  an immensely influential Philosopher, Theologian and Jurist in the tradition of Scholasticism  Also known as “Doctor Angelicus” and “Doctor Communis”  Foremost classical proponent of Natural Theology  “Father of Thomism”  A Saint,  A Model teacher  Doctor of the Church (Catholic Church’s greatest Theologian & Philosopher)
    • 3. “Before St. Thomas Aquinas was born, a holy hermit shared a prediction with his mother, foretelling that her son would enter the Order of Friars Preachers, become a great learner and achieve unequaled sanctity.”
    • 4.  Born on January 28, 1225 in Roccasecca, Kingdom of Sicily(Lazio Region), Italy  Landulph –his father, a count of Aquino  Theodora- his Mother, a countess of Teano  Youngest among 8 siblings
    • 5.  Early education at the age of 5 in the Abbey of Monte Casino to train among the Benedictine monks  “A witty child who had received a good soul”(Wisdom 8:19)  “ What is God to His Benefactors?”  C. 1239 he was enrolled in University of Naples wherein he was introduce to the works of Aristotle, Averroes and Maimonides  At 19yrs old he secretly joined the Dominican Order (John of St. Julian)  On his way to Rome, He was kidna
    • thomas aquinas biography powerpoint project