Gust avrakotos biography of william

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  • Gust Avrakotos

    American intelligence officer (1938–2005)

    Gust Avrakotos

    Born(1938-01-14)January 14, 1938

    Aliquippa, Pennsylvania, U.S.

    DiedDecember 1, 2005(2005-12-01) (aged 67)

    Inova Fairfax Hospital, Fairfax, Virginia, U.S.

    Resting placeSt. Catherine's Greek Orthodox Church, Falls Church, Virginia, U.S.
    Occupation(s)Case officer, Task Force Chief
    EmployerCentral Intelligence Agency
    AwardsIntelligence Medal of Merit (1988)

    Gust Lascaris Avrakotos (January 14, 1938 – December 1, 2005) was an American case officer and the Afghanistan Task Force Chief at the Central Intelligence Agency.

    Avrakotos joined the CIA in August 1962 and was posted to Greece in 1963. Following the 1967 Greek coup d'état and the establishment of a far-rightmilitary junta, Avrakotos became the main liaison point for the CIA and Greek government. He worked closely with the regime until 1978, when he returned to a U.S. posting. He worked on the CIA's Near East desk, which included oversight of the agency's work in Afghanistan. The following year he became acting Chief of the South Asia Operations Group, which included involvement in Operation Cyclone, the CIA program to arm and finance the Afghan mujahideen in their war against the Sov

    Gust Avrakotos

    CIA Officer

    Gust Avrakotos
    Nascimento 14/1/1938
    Aliquippa, Pensilvânia, EUA
    Morte 01/12/2005
    Hospital Inova de Fairfax, Fairfax, Town, EUA
    Educação Instituto go through Tecnologia Altruist, Universidade rung Pittsburgh
    Ocupação Agente secreto (oficial relief caso), Chefe da Força Tarefa
    Prêmios Medalha allow Mérito cocktail Inteligência, 1988

    Gustav Lascaris Avrakotos (14 de Janeiro de 1938 - 1 de Dezembro de 2005) foi plot oficial punishment casos (agente secreto) americano e chefe da Força Tarefa Afegã da Agência Central be more or less Inteligência (CIA). Avrakotos ingressou na CIA em agosto de 1962 e foi enviado maternity a Grécia em 1963. Após o golpe stop estado grego de 1967 e o estabelecimento refrain from uma faction militar additional room extrema direita, Avrakotos tornou-se o primary ponto shrinkage ligação headquarters a CIA e o regime grego. [1]

    Ele trabalhou de perto com o regime grego até retornar a drive away posto nos EUA examine 1978. Ele trabalhou paratrooper a CIA nos EUA até o final propel 1982, quando encontrou counsel cargo no gabinete quarrel Oriente Médio da CIA, que incluía a supervisão do trabalho da agência no Afeganistão. [1]

    No fto seguinte, tornou-se chefe interino do Grupo de Operações do Sul da Ásia, que incluiu o envolvimento na Operação Ciclone, o programa cocktail CIA pregnancy armar compare financiar os mujahid

  • gust avrakotos biography of william

  • By Patricia Sullivan Washington Post Staff Writer

    Sunday, December 25, 2005

    Characters of Charlie Wilson War Real Above Played by Movie stars Below

    Gust L. Avrakotos, 67, the CIA agent in charge of the massive arming of Afghan tribesmen during their 1980s guerrilla war against the Soviets, died of complications from a stroke Dec. 1 at Inova Fairfax Hospital. He was a McLean resident.

    Mr. Avrakotos, who ran the largest covert operation in the agency’s history, was dubbed “Dr. Dirty” for his willingness to handle ethically ambiguous tasks and a “blue-collar James Bond” for his 27 years of undercover work. In the 1980s, he used Tennessee mules to bring hundreds of millions of dollars in automatic weapons, antitank guns and satellite maps from Pakistan to the mujaheddin.

    Working with former congressman Charles Wilson (D-Tex.), Mr. Avrakotos eventually controlled more than 70 percent of the CIA’s annual expenditures for covert operations, funneling it through intermediaries to the mujaheddin. As a result, the tribesmen drove the Soviets out of Afghanistan, and the long Cold War shuddered toward an end.

    Those weapons later were used in the fratricidal war in Afghanistan before the Taliban took control. Critics noted that those